Winter Solstice Meditation

       My dark days of December light balancing routine is to walk in the sun whenever I can regardless of how cold it is. Outdoor walking whether it's 5 minutes worth or 1 hour combined with getting on the mat to exercise and practice yoga gives me what I need to take on the coming season of Winter. Yet on the days leading up to the Winter Solstice, the darkest day of the year, it is a good time to spend some meditative moments in the dark.

       A Winter Solstice meditation you may want to consider is turning off all the lights within your home. Let your computer, TV, cell phone, holiday music and lights rest. It's now time for you and the darkness to get reacquainted, like returning home to the womb.

        Find a comfortable space to sit with an unlit candle nearby and a match to light it later. Once you're sitting and settled in the darkness, take 3 deep breaths. Rest here. The body will slow down and soon the mind will become quiet. If you're having trouble quieting the mind, place the palms of your hands on your belly and let your mind slow down by riding the wave of your breath while it moves in its natural state.

        Soon you will be sitting in stillness with your Goddess or God self. You will feel a healing cleanse come over you while meditating here. Let it wash over you. See it as a deep let go of the past year. Sit with your highest version of yourself until you feel complete. Take 3 deep breaths.

       Light the candle and notice how you feel when the light returns.

Peace and Happy Winter Solstice!

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