Fall Lifestyle: Encountering Darkness

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The signs that the dark half of the year are settling in are more obvious during mid October. Gloomy bone chilly rainy days vs. sunny cornflower blue summer like days show their shadows earlier and earlier each day. Our instinct tells us to draw our energy inwards rather than striking out. Listen to your body responding to the energy of the sun at this deepening time. It is time to put down roots as you prepare for winter. This includes eating plenty of baked or stewed root vegetables which are low in moisture and perfect for your digestion and immunity during the season's change to colder days ahead.

Regarding your yoga practice take some extra time while you hold your postures to feel the ground beneath you and observe your roots reaching deep into the earth. Overtime you will notice thoughts of connection to the earth and those around you will surface including memories of your ancestors. Don't be surprised if you find yourself seated in your closet looking through a box of old family pictures while your intention was to bring your winter weather clothes to the forefront of your closet.

If the darker days have you feeling restless, decorate your living and workspace with fall colored candles and candle holders. Pillows, throw blankets and dried flower arrangements are fast and economical decorative touches to ease you into hibernation mode. 

Honor the feelings that show themselves now. Decline invitations if you're feeling tired. Go to bed earlier than normal if you're feeling to and notice your sleeping and conscious dreams. Dark feelings mixed with eagerness for a new year and a fresh start are sure to surface now. Let go of what you need to with love, keep what serves you with gratitude and accept what you can't change now, knowing that with mindful reflection your transformation will be unstoppable.

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