Spring Training Yoga Workshop w/Allison Egan Datwani and Loren Abrams

Bunnies, fresh grass and pastel colors will show up in the next weeks as we plant seeds, clean as well as balance our warrior get out and get them spirit with being a kid again and having fun outdoors. Finding balance is a key theme to finding overall health especially when the seasons change from winter's slower hibernation mode to springs upbeat rhythm. Haven't you noticed invitations to do this and that are piling up and feelings of "How will I get everything done?" are surfacing within you?

To ease and guide our embrace to all that is growing into our lives during the light half of the year, I will be leading a Spring Training Yoga Workshop with Loren Abrams at www.bamboomovesyoga.com in Palisades Park, NJ    Saturday   April 18th   at 2pm.

In this workshop we will:

Have fun as we move through a mindful vinyasa yoga flow geared toward preparing our body into three spring like rooted and blossoming postures:

Svargadvidasana/Bird of Paradise Pose (shown below)

*Eka Pada Koundinyasana 2/One Legged Arm Balance for Koundinya 2

*Parivrtta Surya Yantrasana/Compass Pose

Svargadvidasana/Bird of Paradise Pose

We will also experience how these complex postures can be broken down so all can follow. Here we can attune to each posture's grounded and growing qualities thus further aligning us to exactly what is happening in nature as spring bursts forth.

We will sit in these postures with props like the wall, bolsters, blankets, belts and blocks so we can feel where to let go in the pose as well as where to fire up our energy so we experience the healing benefits of these postures.

You will receive plenty of hands on adjustments.

Finally we will finish in relaxing restorative yoga postures to renew our energy while being guided deeper into connecting to our energy body for profound healing and rest.

*Pictures for these postures are coming up on the blog. Follow me on Facebook as Allison Egan Datwani, Instagram @allisonegandatwani and/or Twitter @DatwaniEgan for tips and videos on how to get into these postures and more.

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