Imbolc/Mid Winter

It's that time, a time for a little change. Now that there's light after 5pm, I'm feeling like I've survived the darkness. The shift from winter's darkest days to the sun showing a little more spark to its burn puts a smile on my face. It can be hard at times to believe change is coming with ice and snow underfoot but Feb.1st in the Northern Hemisphere shares a little promise with Groundhog Day. Six more weeks of winter? Maybe not.

I prefer referring to this time, more specifically Feb. 2nd as Imbolc like the ancient Celts or Candlemas like the Catholics because it resonates deeper for me because of my upbringing. It is a time to honor the Goddess/Saint Brigit of Ireland. Brigit is a fire keeper, a Goddess that tends to a home's warmth and needs. Her energy is similar to Hestia of Greece and Vesta of Rome. She's often unnoticed yet her role is vital especially during hibernation season when everyone is hanging out at home. If you are feeling to evoke a little more domestic joy into what at times feels mundane like preparing a meal and cleaning up, light a candle and visualize her unwavering devotion to the home and family energizing you.

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