Gratitude Memo

With Labor Day Weekend behind us and the long lazy days of summer evolving into a more grounded and cerebral time of year whether or not you are going back to school, I'm grateful for having experienced summer's more spacious days where I was able to spend some time reflecting on the fruits of my labors. During the past weeks I've picked the sweet fruits I've earned and tossed out the rotten. This coming Fall I will be sharing what I feel will make a difference.

To motivate myself, an intention I've written in my daily memo and plan to read often is:

I will remember to notice and celebrate as I harvest sweet fruits during the last quarter of the year. I will gratefully and humbly hold my basket up high and share my abundance.

Eka Pada Rajakapotasana in Hanumanasana/King pigeon split pose, Top shorts bangles Quartz ring from the Museum of Natural History boutique

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