Iyengar Inspiration

One of the meanings of the word inspiration is breathing in. You can even see a part of the word spirit in inspiration. To become inspired you must breathe in the spirit of something. The spirit of a system, a leader, a style is what comes to me as I ponder and process last week's physical passing of B.K.S. Iyengar.

When I decided to drop the dumbbells and devote my wellness career around yoga, meditation and vegetarianism I was studying at Cyndi Lee's Buddhist inspired yoga school, Om Yoga. This is where I first learned about Iyengar, a living master from Pune, India. I bought his books at Om, read about him, visually memorized his photographs in postures and nearly every class I studied in at Om Yoga, his name was mentioned when there were references to form and philosophy. I'm forever grateful for his devoted service in teaching this magnificent ancient system. I find it amazing that a woman like myself from a suburban New Jersey town was able to be inspired by his teachings, taught by his devotees and has spent most of my career spreading yoga's wisdom.

The beauty of the Iyengar method and teachers today of various styles of yoga that apply his method with straps, blocks and blankets is that with openness and practice anyone can experience yoga. Yes, you can reach and possibly touch your toes, slow down your mind plus improve your health while you connect to yourself and all beings. It simply takes making the time to patiently sit still and watch your breath. To allow your thoughts to arise and blow away like leaves on the wind. Inspiration seeks stillness. Anything you wish to have is waiting for you to breathe it in.

Pictured here is Natarajasana/King Dancer's Pose. I was able to find this posture during my teenage ballet days yet lost my connection to my foot until last week. A combination of practice, hope and letting go of some old emotional baggage is what I believe got me back into this pose at 45. Doesn't my little one look inspired?

T-shirt www.saffrontradingcompany.com vintage circle skirt.

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