Fiery Arrow, Recognizing Brighid

It has been so cold where I live. An average of 10-15 degrees has been the norm. I'm used to cold and snowy winters but I can't remember what it was like to have days in a row of extremely low temperatures. Experiencing it now, I can sure tell you it draws you deeper into yourself as distractions of going out to do this and that are not available, let alone appealing.

After last week's heavy snowfall it was too cold to walk outside and enjoy it so I spent a lot of time looking out my windows to admire the fresh new blanket of snow that covered everything. It was so peaceful and became even better when I spotted life, a red cardinal. My red bird sighting inspired these pictures plus gave me hope that something is coming.

The geese along the riverbanks who cry like babies and the ducks who patiently walk on ice know that something is coming. A stronger sun, a vibrant maiden... the Goddess Brighid, who came way before the groundhog is coming. Her energy is so strong and loved that the Catholic church named her a Saint. Her energy of bringing a stronger dose of light into the world is celebrated by Catholics on Feb. 2, Candlemas. While the ancients honor her on Feb. 1st during a sabbath called Imbolc.

Brighid is a triple fire Goddess. She reigns over healing, fertility, smith craft and poetry. You can't miss her fiery arrow. It is taking aim and going exactly where she needs to go. Until she arrives in February we will sit, rest and let die what needs to go. The Goddess holding the 3 flamed candle will restore the greening of the earth.

A variation of peaceful warrior. Sweaters, leggings and gloves  hat winter boots, gifted

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