Feeling Spring within w/Bird Poses & Balances

Pigeon pose

As birdsong becomes more melodic and Spring is officially here according to the calendar's date, the poses that are musing me most are bird poses and balancing postures. These postures evoke the element of air within us, making us shake a bit, feel a little burn and experience a challenge as we find our balance. The effect is strengthening both in body and mental focus as well as feeling a sense of flight. Getting stronger, more focused and disciplined in addition to feeling lighter is perfect for Spring and moving forward with nature's flow.

The picture above is from two weekends ago when it was warm in the sun during the day. Notice my bare feet and how I'm anxiously awaiting Spring by wearing floral leggings with my black winter clothes. The pictures below are the result of me doing a little Spring cleaning in my last year's pictures file. This selection of 2012's bird and balancing postures are currently inspiring my practice and classes.

Eagle pose variation

Standing back bend

King dancer's pose

1/2 moon variation

Heron pose

Eagle pose

Crow pose in Florida

Forearm stand/peacock feather pose

One arm plank variation

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