Feelings After a Sun Chakra Workout

Parsva Trikonasana 

This past Saturday I led my "Fire in the Belly, Igniting Your New Year's Dreams" workshop. I'm so pleased with how it turned out. The only thing that threw me off was earlier in the day I started shivering, shaking and feeling light footed. All of these feelings eventually morphed into having a headache. I knew I wasn't sick nor even nervous about the workshop. I was simply feeling very excited and noticed how a tremendous amount of energy was running through me. This happens to me every once in a while before I lead a session like this. Therefore I knew the antidote was to go to Bamboomoves early, open my mat on the healing room's floor and ground by way of meditating in slow moving seated postures. I did so for about one hour and fortunately my headache lifted and I was ready to get started.

A Parsva Trikonasana/Twisted Triangle sequence

When I opened the door I delightfully saw faces from the past, present and never met before were making their way into the yoga school. During the workshop we did plenty of grounding twists, standing and seated twists, yoga style abdominal work such as boat pose and versions of it plus a good round of kaphalbhati breath work. Our 3rd chakra, the core body, the energetic center from which the sun enters us and ignites our connection to feeling our truth, power and dreams was set ablaze.

The teachings that came through surprised me a bit. I surely had a release and healing as I shared a little bit more about my bittersweet path of pain, joy and suffering than my covering up self would have ever wanted to. All I know was it felt great sharing truthful feelings. Going forward authentic communication in all my personal relationships and also during public engagements is the only way I want to go.

Being a student of many teachers and having been let down by a couple of them, I know it is nice to study with someone who doesn't put themselves on a pedestal with a glass wall between you and them. Rather to be a realistic guide who expresses that we're not alone on a stormy island feels easier to process. Personally I feel better about being the yoga teacher who suggests there is hope and a community out there for you to share with and receive from. This I feel makes it easier to wake up in the morning, hop in the boat again and start rowing over to the other side.

Pants, vintage www.carushka.com , booties from fall 2011 www.forever21.com

Along with my sharing I included the 5 steps I've been practicing nearly devoutly for over the past 15 years to make this bumpy journey a little bit more dreamy along the way.

1.  Practice some form of exercise daily even if it is for only 20 minutes.

2.  Eat whole foods, preferably organic, that are closest to their natural state when prepared. No more processed food and medications! I realize you can't just throw out most prescribed medications but overtime by consistently exercising, meditating and eating healthy you just maybe be able to. Plus if you visit a qualified Holistic Doctor you will be surprised on how going the herb route can be the solution to slowly wean off your meds.

3.  Meditate daily for about 20 minutes. This can be going on a silent stroll, sitting in a chair or silently washing dishes by hand and noticing your breath.

4.  Visualize what you want as often as you can. Set no time limit for it to come to you and never ever doubt that it belongs to you.

5.  You must give up something you love doing. That may mean giving up making some money or doing a hobby to make the time to do all the steps above.

Doing these 5 steps doesn't happen over night. Notice how I said I've been practicing these steps nearly perfectly for over 15 years to make me clear enough to feel what I truly want, become the vibration to match what I want and attract like the ease of two magnets finding and kissing one another to have what's here with me now.

Parka on sale last year from www.zara.com, Scarf, 2011www.forever21.com

Of course what we want changes like the seasons. Particularly once we step on desired touch stones. That is what the journey is all about, forward movement.

I do want to stress that these are just a few notes to the huge topic of manifesting your dreams. I hope to see you in the next workshop. I have a few fun ideas coming through.

Happy Dream Building!

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